The retail industry struggles to replicate the high gross profit era, there is a need to promote "every day low price" comprehensively and deeply.

The era of high profit margins in retail is unlikely to be repeated. We need to sell at low margins and expand sales by meeting consumer needs. The profit margin from large-scale operations will be more stable, and relying solely on capital operation for profit is not practical. In short, retail enterprises should still earn their hard-earned money by doing things on the ground.

On May 30, the 30th anniversary celebration of Wumart Group was held, and Wumart Group founder Zhang Wenzhong made the above statements in a post-event media group interview, including Pangpai News.

Zhang Wenzhong told Pangda News reporters that in the current retail industry dilemma, retail enterprises must improve their own efficiency and streamline processes to have a survival space, but they cannot simply link their digitalization level and profitability. Both comprehensive digitalization and a complete return to the essence of business must be pursued simultaneously.

Mr. Zhang's philosophy aligns closely with our company's current development, emphasizing the pursuit of higher quality and more competitive prices. These principles are crucial for us to strictly adhere to in the new era of consumption.